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Remote Sensing Technologies and GIS
Online Journal for Providers and Users

Open Access Journal


ISSN 2062-8617


Editor in Vhief:

Gábor Bakó


Csaba Bartha


Péter Kardeván

Eszter Lelleiné Kovács

Béla Licskó

László Zentai



H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Postal address: H-2314 Halásztelek II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 42.

+36 70 615 7223


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Organization of Advertisements:

Anita Gruber

Other staff:

Mészáros János

Zsolt Molnár

Erika Göttinger
Csenge T-Futaki


From imaging to GIS

Guidance for authors


Scope of the on-line journal Remote Sensing Technologies & GIS


This open-access professional journal offers the opportunity for the potential authors of our community developing both remote sensing and GIS methods to publish research articles, review articles or even reports about the newest pertinent technologies, technology trends, evaluation methods, computational procedures, scientific results and important international or domestic professional events for a wide range of interested readers, worldwide.


Instructions for the preparation of the Article:


- The Manuscripts should be maximum 9500 words (including references, tables and figures).

- The manuscript should begin with the title of the article indicating the Author’s name, affiliation, and the active e-mail address.Subsequently come the English summary, at least 3 and maximum 5 English and Hungarian keywords, the chapters of the article, and the reference list in the end.

- The summary is also necessary, consisting of minimum 350 and maximum 1800 characterscovering the results achieved, the opportunities of their utilization, and the substantial message of the whole text to be published.

- The extent of the articles should be between 800 and 9500 words including the texts of the diagrams and spreadsheets.

- The article should clearly be divided into subsections supplied with subtitles.

- Diagrams - both colour and black-and-white - and spreadsheets can be inserted inthe text. The number of diagrams may not exceed twice the entire number of pages.


Submission of manuscript should be accomplished in Word format.

The chapter titles are printed with 10pt Verdana, being distinguished expediently by numbering. The bodytext shold be printed with 7.5pt Verdana.

The diagrams and spreadsheets should be inserted in the text centered, with a maximum width of 8,7 cm. Underneath them should come their short title in dark-blue colour. The spreadsheets can be inserted inthe form of image files ensuring in this case, that all captions could be well readable.

A template for the preparation of the articles has also been made available in order to alliviate the fulfillment of the formal requirements of our Journal.

 Download tamplate


File formats:

Diagrams and spreadsheets should be submitted in separate files in addition to the file of manuscript (Word document). Diagrams submitted in jpeg, tiff and png format, and spreadsheets in xls formats can only be accepted.



Manuscripts admitted by editors will be peer-reviewed by lectors assigned by the Editorial Board. Upon acceptance modifications may be requested on the basis of professional or formal aspects.


Some typical topics: : remote sensing practice and application (vegetation mapping, forestry, water management, habitat survey, crime prevention, municipal applications, etc.), the disciplines of the technical- and basic research, geo-information systems (GIS), pertinet instruments, software, pilot-projects, training materials, reports on any remote sensing or GIS events.


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